Our Story

In 2009, Brandon and I were married and immediately began trying to start a family. After eight unsuccessful months, we sought medical help… The ensuing three years would be filled with navigating testing and treatment options in the world of infertility. We suffered through four intrauterine inseminations as well as three In Vetro Fertilization (IVF) procedures, with no success. Since we had no insurance coverage for infertility, the burden of having a biological child of our own fell on our shoulders. Although we were finally able to find success with the birth of our twins in June 2013 from IVF procedure #4, it did not come without a price tag. We spent well over $100,000 creating our family. An amount we know most people would not be able to afford. We have been extremely open regarding our struggles and many have contacted us with their infertility stories and need for additional funds not covered by their insurance company.