1. Do I have to be married to receive or apply for a grant?

    No, you do not need to be married.

  2. Can I use the grant to payback my credit card or past bill?

    No, grant money will be paid directly to the clinic.

  3. Is there an age restriction for applicants?

    No age restriction.

  4. Does having a child previously disqualify me from receiving a grant?

    No, it does not.

  5. Do I have to be a resident of Tennessee?

    No, the only residence qualification is that you must reside in the United States and your clinic must be in the USA as well.

  6. I have already applied in the past, can I apply again?

    Yes, your application will remain on file for future grants.

  7. Is there a cost to apply?

    Yes, there is a $50 fee.

  8. Are there any income restrictions?

    No, there are no restrictions.

  9. For Arizona Resident Only Applications:

    Do I have to use a clinic in Arizona? No, your clinic can be in any state.

    Do I have to be an Arizona resident for a certain amount of time? No, just currently a resident.

    Are there restrictions on part-time/full-time Arizona resident? If you are a resident most of the year, you can apply!