Chelsea & Garrett

Infertility presents a series of profound challenges, and Chelsea and Garrett's journey exemplifies this reality. Residing in a small town with limited healthcare options, they've encountered significant obstacles due to the dominance of a local hospital, which has led to high rates and insurance denials. Seeking specialized care, they had to travel 3.5 hours to Phoenix, Arizona, where the nearest reproductive specialist is located.

Chelsea's self-employment as a hairstylist compounds their difficulties. Without sick days or paid time off, each trip to Phoenix means losing an entire workday. They often start their journeys as early as 4 AM to make it to appointments, and even with these efforts, missing work remains a substantial challenge.

The upcoming IVF treatment presents another hurdle, requiring them to stay away from home for the duration of the stimulation phase. This means finding temporary lodging in Phoenix while managing the emotional and physical strains of treatment in an unfamiliar place.

They are recipients of the 2023 Penelope Grant.

Chelsea and Garrett welcomed a beautiful baby girl, Lily, born in May 2024.

2024 Penelope Grants Applications are Open!


Kriston & Leia


Channing & Peyton