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Connect with Your Spouse During Infertility


Let’s just be honest, relationships are full of ups and downs, throw infertility into the mix and the downs can become overwhelming. For many couples, a baby is the biggest thing they desire, however, the stress of infertility can create unexpected friction. Don’t let this catch you off guard. Here are 5 ways to connect with your spouse during infertility!

1. Communicate

This is a BIG one for couples experiencing infertility. When there is a lack of open and honest communication it allows your mind to wander and create scenarios for how the other person is feeling. Make sure that you communicate about everything, this includes feelings, fears, stresses, concerns, hopes, nothing should be left out. Effective communication will put you in the position to support each other and be there in every way necessary.

2. Join an Infertility Support Group for Couples

Most likely you have already researched or joined an infertility support group to help you get through this journey. Did you know there are also infertility support groups for couples? They can be very beneficial, giving you both the tools and support to work with and help each other through this journey.

3. Forgive

Yes, you know what we’re talking about… forgive each other and yourself! Regardless of who or what the cause of your infertility is, don’t hold it against each other or yourself. Forgiveness is the key to a healthy relationship during infertility.

4. Grow Together

Have you ever taken the time to notice that one of the greatest times to grow as an individual or a couple is during a time of distress? When you work hard and fight for something especially together as a couple there is no doubt that you will grow together.

5. Keep the Relationship Going and the Fire Burning

We are not going to skip this one, don’t forget why you are a couple, don’t stop being a couple. Your sex life and relationship can quickly become a routine or feel like a chore between all of the medicines, doctor visits, scheduled intercourse, and everything else that comes along with trying to conceive during infertility. Make sure to remember what fuels the fire in your relationship and continue it. This could be weekly dates, flirty text messages, evening walks together. Make a conscious effort every day to still be a couple and keep your fire burning. Remember this IS why you desire a baby together in the first place.
Through everything remember to work together, you are a great team. Infertility will bring many challenges, don’t let it get in the way of your wonderful relationship, instead use it to grow together! You’ve. Got. This.

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